The Happyland Klosterneuburg is an amazing partner of mine for years. Not only am I using their indoor pool for my swim sessions, but also their amazing outdoor facilities like the 400m track.

My running session this time was a speed session with intermediate speed work.
I always do a 10 minute jogging warm up, a couple of running drills to loosen up the legs, hip and everything else that needs movement.
The set was:
10 minutes warmup + drills
4x 1 minute fast / 3 minutes easy
8 minutes serial break (jogging/walking)
4x 1 minute fast / 3 minutes easy
10 minutes cool down
My goal pace for the 1 minute repeats was 3:00 minutes/km. With all my other training on the bike/pool/gym happening I always use the first interval to feel how my legs/body responds on that day. As there are so many factors that can change how your training turns out its important to keep that in mind.

My first interval was faster than the goal pace which motivated me a lot for that session. Finishing the first block until the serial break with every interval in a similar pace was awesome. I refreshed myself with some cold water, as this outdoor track facility also provides athletes with clean bathrooms and drinking water, its an absolute win on hot summer days.

My legs felt good and lactate didn't shoot through the roof. I kept my speed very similar to the first set with a little down in the first one. My girlfriend Mikaela Jonsson supported me on the bike, taking videos from to side to check my running style after the session. I think this track is awesome for professional athletes like me just as the every day runner or runners that do speed work only a few times a year. Its a calm and quiet surrounding in the forest close to the Danube river, but also motivating seeing kids playing soccer or paddle tennis on the fields next to the track.

Photos: Mikaela Jonsson